A reminder of what the Gratitude Challenge is about.
Science has shown us (through research like the “hundredth monkey effect“) what we think and feel impacts everything around us. Research also shows once 10% of a population is committed to an idea, it’s inevitable it will eventually become the overriding view of the whole group.

We’ve been challenged, uplifted and inspired by both the daily exercise as well as through the amazing people and images from those who have chose to participate – thank you!

We invite you to carry on with part 2 of the #GratChall and continue to take inspiring, delightful and stimulating photos of the people, places and experiences for whom you feel gratitude. Post them on Instagram using the hashtag #GratChall (remember to include the daily tag too).
and collectively let’s make the world a better place.

Warm regards,
@MandalaReopens & @Gingerasberry http://ift.tt/1H37qWe

About Wizard

'Intshebe' (beard). Proud earthling. Coach. Facilitator. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Photography. Web. Tech. Enneagram #5. Opinionated. Spiritual. No ego zone. Shape of Emotion. 5th Place. Making the world a better place. We adult here.

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